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USA: Fair Trade certification for Apparel and Linens

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Fair Trade certification for Apparel and Linens is the first social, economic and environmental standard that directly benefits the farmers who grow the cotton and the workers who sew the garments, TransFair USA reports. According to studies, 76 % of consumers consider environmental and social aspects when making purchasing decisions, and  56 % of US consumers believe that independent certification is the best way to verify a company's social and environmental claims.
The Fair Trade certification for Apparel and Linens was launched in July, and, in order to get licensed to sell Fair Trade certified apparel or linens, companies are required to use Fair Trade cotton fiber, produce the garments in a factory that meets the standards and has been approved by TransFair USA, and purchase products according to Fair Trade terms and agree to pay a 1 – 10 % Fair Trade premium to a worker-controlled fund.

Cotton farmers in countries like Mali and India can earn up to 30 % more on Fair Trade sales through a guaranteed minimum price and a community development premium for collective needs such as schools and medical centers. Farmers must also meet strict environmental standards, and are prohibited from using GMOs and dangerous pesticides. Garment workers have a voice in the workplace and earn a premium of up to 10 % of the cost of the garment for community investment or a cash bonus. Factories must meet minimum workplace requirements based on the core conventions of the International Labor Organization. Some brands with the new standard are available already, and more will be available by October. More information is available here



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