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Fair Trade in Scandinavia

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

More than 1000 Fair Trade products are available on the Swedish and Danish markets, from coffee and tea to cotton pads and scout uniforms, the European Fair Trade Association reports. 84 % of the Swedish population is familiar with the Fair Trade certification and every second Swede says they purchased a Fair Trade product during the last six months. During one of the most difficult economic period in modern history sales of Fair Trade increased by 15 % worldwide over the previous year, Fair Trade Sweden reports. The Swedish growth in 2009 was as high as 25 %. 

Frederiksberg in Denmark became a Fairtrade Town in June this year, Fair Trade Denmark reports. This means that the municipality takes a global responsibility, and that citizens are encouraged to do likewise. And many Danes support the initiative: 82 % of the population believe it is important that the goods which municipalities buy from developing countries are manufactured under conditions that respect the environment and workers living conditions. In 2008, Copenhagen was the first town in Denmark to become a Fairtrade Town. In the summer of 2009 Bornholm followed, and Haderslev in March 2010. Several other Danish cities are underway.



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