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Report: Zero Carbon Britain 2030

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Zero Carbon Britain 2030 is the Centre for Alternative Technology's visionary report, grounded in the latest climate science and devised from extensive research by leading experts in climate change. ZCB2030 explores just what it is Britain must do to meet the scale and speed of the challenges defined by the most recent climate science, according to CAT. This new report follows on from the 1st edition released in 2007 and provides political and economic solutions to the urgent challenges raised by climate science. Paul Allen External Relations Director at CAT said: " The climate science demands we must take action to reduce our emissions, the technology says we can, it is now time to say we will." ZCB2030 faces and explores all the different sectors of society that effect emissions from land use and transport to aviation and imports - showing how we can power down and power up to meet the reduced energy demand.

A great many solutions to climate security are the same as solutions to energy security and to long-term economic recovery. A flagship of a new economic approach, ZCB2030 will show how the ingenuity of the finance sector on the actual challenges at hand can be re-focused. Rather than residing precariously at the end of the peaking pipeline of polluting fossil fuel imports, Britain can head an indigenous renewable energy supply chain powering a lean, re-localised economy. Every field, forest, island, river, coastline, barn or building holds the potential to become an energy and revenue generator, with different technologies appropriate to every scale or location. Zero Carbon Britain 2030 clearly illustrates how the parallel de-carbonisation and re-vitalisation of the UK economy would work, creating a single document of immediate relevance to policy-makers everywhere. Zero Carbon Britain 2030 is published by the Centre for AlternativeTechnology and is available as a free download or 384 page full colour book priced 39.95 £.

Centre for Alternative Technology 





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