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Switzerland: Organics from Africa at Bio Marché in Zofingen

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

West Pokot, Kenia: organics have arrived here as well. The Swiss foundation Biovision supports the local honey and wild silk production and marketing with their project Cabesi (picture). Producing and processing methods are organic and environmentally sound, which are important factors for the region already affected by climate change. 

Cabesi offers small scale farmers to earn their living with sustainable methods and therefore improves their life situation. The sustainable products of the Cabesi project will also be offered at Bio Marché, the largest organic festival in Switzerland. They will be introduced and sold by the project staff from Kenya. Biovision invites to visit their information and sales booth in the zone D of Bio Marché from June 18 to 20, 2010. Besides the products from Africa, further delicious organic specialities and attractions for the whole family will be offered.






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