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USA: MOM’s Organic Market launches „Battle the Bottle“

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

MOM’s Organic Market, the Washington / Baltimore metro area’s homegrown organic grocery chain, is launching another environmental company-wide initiative - „Battle the Bottle“ will substantially reduce plastic use by eliminating all bottled water. Battle the Bottle was inspired by the movie "Addicted to Plastic" and addresses the alarming rate by which oceans are being contaminated by plastic.

Immediately following the launch, MOM's will begin reducing plastic by: eliminating all bottled water, installing water filtration machines in each store so customers can use reusable containers for water- and offering first gallon free every visit, giving employees free counter-top home water filters and reusable water containers, eliminating bagged potatoes, onions, oranges, salad mixes (and use biodegradable clamshells instead), and other unnecessarily bagged items from their produce department, enabling through their POS system customers to bring in reusable containers for bulk purchases, replacing plastic with either bio-plastic or cellophane in their pre-packaged bulk food section, bulk department, bread, bagels, and produce department, and eliminating petroleum based wax paper in place of biodegradable wax paper for bagels.

To reduce plastic, MOM's has already eliminated plastic grocery bags in 2005, recycles bottles, bags, shrink-wrap, and plastic containers, gives styrofoam packing peanuts to UPS and Mailbox stores, uses bio-plastic packaging and utensils, factors in packaging when choosing which products to sell, applies pressure to manufacturers to use biodegradable plastic or less plastic/styrofoam, uses wood coffee stirrers, has eliminated the use of VCT floor tiles for the most recent three store openings (and all future openings), and uses bio-plastic for their gift certificate cards. Founded in 1987 as a home delivery/ mail order provider of organic foods, MOM’s has grown to become the region’s premiere chain of locally owned and operated environmental organic grocery stores. MOM’s currently operates six stores.

MOM's Organic Market



Specialised Food Retail Trade

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