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Australia: BFA organic school gardens program

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

With record levels of childhood obesity and poor nutrition an increasing issue among Australian children, it has never been more critical to take active steps in educating young people about the importance of eating the right food for a healthy lifestyle and environment, according to the Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA). In response to continuous requests from teachers and parents alike, the BFA has released a free resource, the BFA Organic School Gardens Program, featuring practical and easy-to-use online resources and lesson plans.

The first of its kind in Australia, the program is available to all Australian primary schools as a free on-line resource for teachers and students. The program has been put together with the assistance of esteemed organic gardener, farmer and author Lyn Bagnall, who has researched, designed and written the program. “School gardens provide practical applications for nutrition, mathematics, the sciences, the environment, social studies and art, and make learning more meaningful for students,” according to Ms Vyner.BFA General Manager. “Studies indicate that children who grow their own food are more likely to understand good nutrition, develop a preference for eating fresh fruit and vegetables, learn environmental stewardship and gain the ability to work cooperatively. Increased parental involvement in garden programs is an added bonus.“ The program is available here.




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