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Organic Coffee in Peru

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The regional government of Junín in Peru has opened a tourist route that showcases the history of coffee in the central jungle, Living in Peru reports. The first stop is the Brazil estate, where coffee is grown in a gentle way and without chemical products. At Monterrico estate, red bourbon, blue and round coffee varieties can be seen. Chanchamayo Highland Coffee is a company that collects, processes and exports selected coffee to Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark and Italy. The Satipo province is considered one of the best for growing coffee, on between 1,300 and 1,900 meters above sea level.

The regional government of Junín has been pursuing the implementation of a program for organic production of coffee in this area. The aim is to make the district of San Martin de Pangoa the first organic coffee producer in the country. To achieve this, a collection center in the town of Santa Rosa in Alto Kiatari has been installed. According to the National Coffee Board, Peru is the largest exporter of organic coffee in the world. Peru's main customers are Germany (41 %), Belgium (17 %) and the Netherlands (7 %). The Junin region has recently increased its production by 27 %.

Living in Peru




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