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BFA: Evidence for benefits of organic is mounting

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Evidence for the benefits of organic food is mounting, according to the Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA) General Manager Holly Vyner who makes comment in response to recent reports about a study claiming that organic food offers no nutritional benefits over non-organic food. Ms Vyner has drawn attention to a report by the French Agency for Food Safety (FAFS) which found that organic foods were more nutritious than conventionally- produced foods and contained lower levels of pesticides.

Ms Vyner said the report by FAFS also showed that organic foods had lower levels of nitrates, which belonged to a class of chemical compounds, more than 90 % of which had been declared carcinogenic. Ms Vyner also drew upon findings from the largest ever study of organic and non-organic production commissioned by the European Union (EU), for which preliminary findings had shown overwhelming evidence that organic produce had significantly higher nutrient levels.  Evidence from the four year study found that organic fruit and vegetables contained between 20 and 40 % more antioxidants, which scientists believed could cut the risk of cancer and heart disease. The research also found organic produce contained higher levels of vitamin C, antioxidants, beneficial minerals such as iron and zinc and substantially higher levels of compounds thought to boost health and combat disease.

Ms Vyner went on to say that with a guarantee for so many health and ethical benefits, it was little wonder certified organic produce was claiming an increasing share of the Australian marketplace. “Despite widespread drought and the global recession, according to BFA’s 2008 Australian Organic Market Report there has been a growth in organic farm gate sales by 80 % in the four years since 2004 and organic retail sales have topped the half billion mark,” she stated. “There will continue to be new studies revealing the health benefits of organic food, and as the organic industry grows, attacks claiming organics is no better for you and is a waste of money, will keep emerging in the media. This latest review is by no means the last we’ll hear of this debate.”





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