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Australia: Organic Roadshow to start

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The latest news on biological production and organic industry developments and opportunities will be available at the Australian Organic Roadshow 2010, presented by the Biological Farmers of Australia and Seasol. Mildura (Victoria) on April 21, 2010 will mark this year's start of the Roadshows across Australia. According to Australian Certified Organic (ACO), in 2009 Victoria had more pre-certification acreage than any other State and has the most State funded support available in Australia.

Presentations at the Mildura Roadshow will cover a wide range of subjects, including organic standards, understanding soil health, recovering from fire, using the ocean to feed the soil and market research. Key speakers include Michael Eyres, soil researcher and consultant, speaking on maximising soil health and Chris Clyne, Managing Director of the award-winning business Clyne Foods will talk on the benefits of going organic including yield increases as well as understanding the marketplace. Organic operators are responding to increased consumer demand and accessing Organic Roadshows as an effective means of networking, gathering and sharing information, keeping up-to-date with latest consumer and industry trends and changes in regulations that impact the organic industry. (Picture: BFA Organic Roadshow 2009)






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