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Italy: Tutto Bio 2010

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Tutto Bio 2010, the yearbook of organics by Achille Mingozzi and Rosa Maria Bertino, is available now. Published by Egaf Edizioni, this year's edition has 328 pages and costs 16 euros. In its 16th edition, information on about 8000 operators is published, of which more than 3100 are farm-gate sales. Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Tuscany confirm their leading role regarding absolute numbers of organic operators. This year's edition of Tutto Bio is dedicated to the subject "Organic, eco, ethics: out of the labyrinth in 141 steps." The yearbook can be found in various stores in Italy, or be ordered here.  

The yearbook includes the annual Bio Bank Report, which reveals that between 2007 and 2009, various numbers of organic operators in Italy have increased – purchasing groups grew by 68 %, farm gate sales by 32 %, restaurants by 31 %, internet sales by 25 %, school cafeterias by 23 %, holiday farms by 22 %, farmers' markets by 10 % and stores by 2 %. (Picture by Bio Bank: Eugenio Mingozzi in front his company, Radisa, in the province of Ravenna)

Bio Bank




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