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London: Made-By at Pure tradeshow

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The language of fashion is evolving at a rapid pace. In recent years, there has been an evolution in the industry, which has seen an increased focus on the entire fashion cycle, rather than just the final product. Sustainability in every area of the fashion cycle is becoming more and more necessary. But what exactly is sustainability? Part of the problem is that there is often no established usage in the fashion industry for some of these new terms. Many of these words are not even defined in the dictionary yet. At Pure, Made-By addresses and dispels the confusion surrounding the new fashion vocabulary with the new Made-By Jargon Buster, a fashion calendar with a word defined for each month of 2010. This Jargon Buster explains and defines commonly used terms such as green, sustainable, and natural in simple, easy to understand language.

According to Financial Times fashion editor Vanessa Friedman, words such as sustainability, green, eco, organic, and ethical are increasingly a part of the fashion conversation.However, in her speech at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit she explained that these new terms are far from straightforward.  It is important to Made-By to be able to communicate clearly and effectively to everyone across the fashion spectrum  from factory workers, to NGOs, CSR managers, designers, all the way through to consumers and to work with their brands to do the same.

Made-By is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to improve environmental and social standards in the fashion industry and communicate progress in a way that consumers understand. Made-By works with 35 brands and has offices in the UK, Germany and Holland. Pure runs from February 14 to 16, 2010, at Olympia, London, and Made-By will be at stand C1/D1.




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