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Tunisia's future is organic

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The organic sector in Tunisia is constantly developing. One reason is the high international demand for Tunisia's products, like organic olive oil, for example. The government supports this development with various measures, and the country benefits from its climate and the closeness to the European markets, Aiab reports. Currently, about 250,000 hectares are managed according to organic guidelines, compared with less than 20,000 in 2000. Organic production has increased from 9,000 tons in 2002 to 170,000 tons in 2008.

Besides olives, fruit and vegetables, dates, potatoes, almonds, artichokes and eggplants, as well as medical plants and herbs, of which essential oils are derived, are important products for export. Tunisia aims to certify, within a period of three years, about 50 products for the international market. Another goal is that the food consumed comes from at least 1 % organic farming by 2018. It is also aimed at exporting 18,000 tons of organic products by 2011, from 10,000 tons in 2011. Tunisia is the oriental country with the largest organic production, and the second most important country in Africa for this type of production.





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