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Green and Black's chocolate will be 100% Fairtrade

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Organic chocolate maker Green & Black's had  pledged to switch its entire food and beverage range to Fairtrade by the end of 2001, The Guardian reports. This will make the company the world's leading manufacturer of organic Fairtrade chocolate. Green & Black's Maya Gold chocolate was the first official Fairtrade product to be sold in Britain fifteen years ago. The move to Fairtrade certification will build on the original Fairtrade relationship with cocoa farmers in Belize and will significantly increase Fairtrade sales in the UK, with Green & Black's annual retail sales being approximately 65 million £.

According to Dominic Lowe, managing director of Green & Black's, the company has committed 500,000 US $ in local initiatives to improve quality and availability, but wanted to do more to support farmers. The Fairtrade Foundation (UK) executive director, Harriet Lamb, commented that newest commitment to Fairtrade would enable producers to benefit themselves, scale up their businesses and invest in their communities, not just now but for the future.

The Guardian




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