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Whole Foods: John Mackey gives up title of chairman

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Whole Foods' co-founder and chief executive officer John Mackey is relinquishing his title of chairman. CtW Investment Group, a federation of shareholder activists working with union penson funds, have been asking for the separation of the two roles for years.

After Mr Mackey's comments against President Obama's health care plan, ctW asked that Mr Mackey would step down stating that Mr Mackey had attempted to capitalise on the brand reputation of Whole Foods to champion his personal political views, but had instead deeply offended a key segment of Whole Foods consumer base, Natural Foods Merchandiser reports. 

Mr Mackey held his chairman position since 1978, and will remain chief executive and a member of the boards, Wall Street Journal reports.  Dr. John Elstrott, a director since 1995 and lead director since 2001, will become chariman as the company transfers the lead directors' duties to that office.


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