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USA: OTA opens its first office in Washington

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Organic Trade Association (OTA), headquartered Massachusetts, has opened its first Washington, D.C., office. Christine Bushway, OTA’s Executive Director and CEO, made the announcement, saying, “OTA is very excited about achieving this milestone at the beginning of its 25th anniversary year. This office, located three blocks from Capitol Hill, will help the trade association increase its visibility and effectiveness in D.C. with Congress, the Executive Branch and all regulatory agencies including the National Organic Program housed at USDA.” The Hall of the States is home to many Washington offices of the 50 states, U.S. territories and associations of state officials, as well as to college and university offices and associations. 
“Not only is this building within view of the U.S. Capitol, it also offers a host of amenities that will expand our capabilities, from meeting rooms and conference space to a library of resources for those working in the public policy arena,” Ms Bushway added. “The physical office space — along with OTA’s augmented government relations staff and members’ continued participation on our policy task forces — will give OTA a more solid footing from which to advocate in Washington for organic agriculture,” said Ms Bushway, explaining that monies pledged to OTA’s 2010 Annual Fund will provide the financial foundation of this enhanced government relations program.
Working on the policy front throughout its history, OTA envisions its government relations program will play an even more vital role in the coming days and years. Issues ranging from food safety to climate change, from National Organic Program (NOP) funding to emerging non-food standards, continue to be critical to the organic sector. OTA members and others within the organic business community will have the opportunity to experience the Hall of the States facilities April 14 to 15 when OTA hosts its 2010 Policy Conference and Hill Visit Days there. The events will include two days of morning education and afternoon Hill visits, meals, and a celebratory reception marking the 25th anniversary of OTA, the 20th anniversary of the Organic Food Production Act, and NOP’s tenth anniversary. Details on the upcoming Policy Conference and Hill Visit Days are available here 



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