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USA: New Facebook application by Whole Foods

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

A new Whole Foods Market Facebook application encourages users to choose one of three mantras – the one that best describes their goal for the coming year. This initiative also pledges support for a related non-profit organisation, Supermarket News reports. Users can choose from the following options: This is my year to know where my food comes from for the Non-GMO Project, This is my year to choose organic for Mission Organic 2010, and this is my year to share my plate for GrowingPower.

Each of the three groups will receive a donation worth 10,000 $ from Whole Foods and its partners Health Magazine and Odwalla, plus an additional 10,000 $ will be awarded to the non-profit organisation receiving the most votes. According to Barry Hirsch, Whole Foods Market program coordinator, small, simple steps are the best way to enjoy healthy eating and living well on a budget. The company hopes shoppers will share their aspirations and ideas with this application and show their support for these three non-profit organisations. Five more mantras will be highlighted throughout the year through promotions in stores and online.

Supermarket News



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