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UK: Pachacuti first company to become certified Fair Trade

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Pachacuti has launched a new branding and a new website. After almost 18 years pioneering Fair Trade fashion and accessories, Pachacuti is recognised as a leader in fusing ethical principles with great design. As Pachacuti is the first organisation in the world to be certified Fair Trade by the World Fair Trade Organisation UK001-2009, the company feels that the new logo – a crown - is a good reflection of their aspirations to set an ethical example to others in the fashion industry. Pachacuti is named after the term pacha-cuti, meaning world upside- down.

The company has also launched a new website which is easier to navigate and makes it possible to read about their work in improving the lives and working conditions of their producer groups in South America. Pachacuti invests time and money into training with courses ranging from pattern cutting to self-esteem and leadership skills, health and safety such as buying new glasses for all of their embroiderers in 2009 and for their weavers in 2010, and into improving environmental management, for example.





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