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Peru: Pilot program for Fair Trade system in textile cluster

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and the Peruvian Commission for Export and Tourism Promotion (ProPeru) have presented the activities developed by Italian consultants from the B&C-Altromercato Consortium, selected to execute the "Pilot Program for the Fair Trade System in the Peruvian Textile Cluster."  This is the first experience of a multilateral financial organization and a government body in developing methodologies and instruments to implement the Fair Trade System in the Peruvian textile and clothing sector. The system requires adopting ethical and respectful trade relations, with sustainable growth of nations and individuals, as the best way for developed countries to help developing countries, according to CAF.

The project with the B&C-Altromercato Consortium includes training, education, and technical assistance for implementation of Good Practices in Fair Trade in 60 companies located in Lima, Arequipa, Puno, Ayacucho and Junín, together with creation of a Fair Trade certification mark for the Peruvian textile sector. In the Peruvian textile clothing fashion sector, the Fair Trade niche is said to have a great potential for development and can be worked under the scheme of responsible competitiveness through projects which link value added and institutional strengthening components in the framework of actions of the fiber textile fashion chain cluster. The raw material used by the companies visited is mainly alpaca fiber, along with other materials. The products range from sweaters, vests, dresses, pants and accessories such as hats, gloves and scarves, crocheted or knitted, bedspreads, shawls and accessories for the home.Thanks to this project, training will be offered to the textile chain cluster in an effort to reach international standards, and place production through Altromercado's 130 member associations and cooperatives which manage 350 World Shops in Italy and three other countries.





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