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Salon Européen de Commerce Equitable in Lyon / France

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The second European Fair Trade Fair took place in Lyon from October 2nd to 4, 2009. Despite the crisis and a strike in the public transport, the welcoming atmosphere of the fair enabled visitors to discover a varied range of Fair Trade products. 200 exhibitors, coming from all over Europe as well as from Southern countries, were showing their latest products in sectors such as food, crafts, textile, cosmetics, solidarity tourism and finances. At the fair, the global South was strongly represented with 40 exhibitors coming from Asia, Africa and South America. The general public and professional stakeholders could attend conferences and round table discussions with international, high profile speakers, and participate in the proposed activities and side-events.

The ethical fashion show presented the latest 2009/2010 ready to wear collections and was followed with great enthusiasm. Musicians from different continents gave rhythm to this show. Christophe Meyer, a well known chocolate maker, presented an exceptional recipe based on Fair Trade chocolate. The public of the European Fair Trade Fair elected products as  "Fair Trade Savour of the year" during a tasting contest organised by the association Partage et Humanité of the European Business School of Lyon. The 2009/2010 award winners are Alter Eco (dark chocolate), 100% Equitable (jam), La Route des Comptoirs (tea), and Artisans du Monde (fruit juice and coffee). The meeting "Theatre forum, tales for children, films on Fair Trade" was an opportunity to combine Fair Trade and relaxing. FLO and WFTO, the two major Fair Trade networks, presented their strategic reviews. Reflections on issues such as guarantees and impact of Fair Trade were pursued. Among other topics, a round table discussion on "Fair Trade and environmental issues" addressed progress and obstacles in this field.

Salon Européen de Commerce Equitable



Trade fair/conferences

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