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Italy: Natyr cosmetics by Altromercato

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

During the last edition of SANA, the first line of  Fair Trade cosmetics in Italy, Natyr by Altromercato, was introduced. The line consists of high quality wellness products for body care, using natural ingredients according to the traditions of the people of the southern parts of the world. Natyr chooses production processes with low impact on the environment, draws attention to the provenance and to the chain of Fair Trade raw materials and production conditions, and continues to reformulate its products. The company continiously seeks a greater degree of naturalness by reducing synthetic ingredients. The presence of natural or naturally derived ingredients is already guaranteed at between 95 % and 100 %. At least 50 % of ingredients are purchased from Fair Trade organizations and 30 % of the products are certified organic (CCPB).

Natyr offers innovations that go even further by improving sustainability and ecology of the packaging, aiming at limiting and gradually reducing it. Today more than 85 % of Natyr products have no secondary packaging, Greenplanet reports. Packages are made of recyclable materials and with reduced impact on the environment during the production process. Some packaging is made with material of plant origin and 100 % compostable. The products, where possible, are sold as refills. Natyr is also experimenting with new materials for their flacons.





Cosmetics & Bodycare

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