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Australia: Walk Against Warming

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Walk Against Warming is Australia's largest day of community action on climate change. This year, Greenfest will assist Queensland Conservation Council organize the Walk Against Warming in Brisbane. This year's walk coincides with a very important day of global action on December 12, aimed to influence leaders to agree to a safe climate future at the UN Climate Change Negotiations in Copenhagen. (Picture: Brisbane, Australia)

"350 Leadership For a Safe Climate!" is the call to action for Walk Against Warming in 2010 and also the new target Al Gore called on leaders to "toughen our goal" towards to avoid catastrophic climate change. This safe climate benchmark of 350 parts per million (CO2) by 2050 is the call to action target for rallies around the world. In the midst of rallying support for the walk, all expressions of interest from schools and universities to individuals and business are welcome.





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