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Training centers for organic farming in Madagascar

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Various training centers for organic farming in Madagascar are open now. They offer internships from one week to various months to the public, for farmers, technicians and students. Training levels reach from initiation training with no background required to improvement and specialization. Eco-tourists with the aim of discovering and sharing the Malagasy rural lifestyle are also welcome. The languages spoken are French and Malagasy.

Various specialities are offered in the centers. For example, a strategic approach and methodical support for rural development, institutionalization of rural participants and peasant organizations, and training of peasant organizations for management take place in one. Another training center offers specialities like composting, system of rice intensification, seed production, water control and management, craft industry, design and fabrication of tools, nutrition, alternative medicine, and ecological treatment of sewage. Also, fabrication and repairing of agricultural and domestic equipment are offered, ecological construction, as well as forest plantation. More information about the centers is available here



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