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USA: OTA congratulates new NOSB appointees

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) has congratulated the five persons selected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to serve on the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) beginning in January. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced the appointment, with terms beginning January 24, 2010, and ending January 24, 2015, OTA reports. Appointees are Joe Dickson, Food, Organic and Environmental Quality Standards Coordinator for Whole Foods Market, retailer seat; Jay Feldman, Executive Director of Beyond Pesticides, environmental position; John Foster, senior manager of organic integrity for Earthbound Farms, organic handler seat; Wendy Fulwider, an organic farmer from Viroqua, WI, organic producer seat; and Annette Riherd, an organic fruit and vegetable farmer from Oklahoma, a second organic producer seat.

“OTA is pleased that these five who are very knowledgeable about organic agriculture and practices will fill seats on this important advisory board,” said Christine Bushway, OTA’s Executive Director. In particular, she pointed out, Joe Dickson and John Foster have worked on numerous organic policy, regulatory and consumer issues as part of their active participation in OTA. “OTA envisions that their expertise and experience will prove valuable on this body that helps clarify and strengthen national organic standards in the United States,” Ms Bushway added. NOSB, which makes recommendation to USDA’s National Organic Program, consists of 15 volunteer positions. The five seats whose five-year terms begin Jan. 24 include two organic producer positions, one retailer position, one organic handler position, and an environmentalist seat.





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