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Italy: New organic line at Coop

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In September, the new brand Vivi Verde Coop (Live Green Coop) was launched, according to Fabrizio Ceccarelli, direction of branded products of Coop Italy.  A brand that is now present across all market sectors, food and non-food, with great strength and visual impact in the store, BioBank reports. It replaces the two previous lines that were launched in 2002: Bio-logici and Eco-logici Coop. Seven years ago, Mr Ceccarelli continues, the terms of the concepts “Fa bene a me” (good for me) and "Fa bene all’ ambiente" (good for the environment) were well separated. This is no longer the case, as the latest research carried out at Coop shows, since consumers take both concepts for their purchase decision into consideration.
Food makes up 80 % of the line, and includes products from organic agriculture exclusively: there are 330 items in all categories, and twelve new ones were added: bread substitutes, rice cakes, low-fat yogurt, fresh orange juice, fresh milk, herbal teas and soups. Coop has made another significant decision:  ingredients of all products of the line will no longer contain natural flavors and tropical fats, especially no more palm oil. Non food items include recycled paper products, biodegradable plates and cups, light bulbs, detergent bottles, and detergents in bulk with reusable bottles. A service is available in 50 supermarkets and hypermarkets in Emilia-Romagna and Triveneto.

Bio Bank



Coventional Food Retail Trade

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