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IFOAM: Challenge and success of sustainable organic agriculture in Africa

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

IFOAM has released issue 45 of Ecology and Farming which is dedicated to organic agriculture in Africa. This issue shows a picture of the production and marketing activities of organic farmers and organizations in the diversity of African countries, and how organic agriculture is providing solutions for ecological, social and economic sustainability. Some articles present points of view that may be challenging or intriguing. Articles featured are a case study of the EPOPA Project, organic agriculture and HIV/Aids, and Ethiopia on the road to an organic future. The Tigray project, innovating with natural pesticides to produce organic cotton in Uganda, organic agriculture in Madagascar, and food production, biodiversity and water use in South Africa are - among others - also covered.
The variety of voices and perspectives revealed by the authors make Ecology and Farming a unique and interesting magazine. The next issue of Ecology and Farming will focus on organic research, and contributions are encouraged. The copy deadline is September 28, 2009.  For further information, the Managing Editor, Richard Sanders, is available. IFOAM welcomes all comments and suggestions on Ecology and Farming, as well as submissions of news items, announcements and publications.








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