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Australia: Organic momentum drives Macro sale

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The recent acquisition of the independent organic retail outlet Macro Wholefoods by the major supermarket chain Woolworths is a sign the organic industry is gathering momentum, according to Biological Farmers of Australia. The eight-store Macro chain will now be rebranded as Thomas Dux Grocer, a fresh grocer/deli launched by Woolworths last year, which currently operates two stores in Sydney's Lane Cove and Paddington. “Increasing interest in organic from major and mainstream retailers confirms recognition that this industry holds a promising future,” says Dr. Andrew Monk, BFA Director and Standards Committee Convenor. “This recent sale clearly shows leading retailers are acknowledging the benefits in integrating organic into their broader market offering.” (Picture: Brisbane, Australia)

According to Dr. Monk, organic is growing on both fronts. Small operators remain an integral part of the industry, as consumers seek to re-connect with food at farmers and local markets in economically tighter times. In addition, organic is now also proving it has the capacity to embrace the mainstream food market. Major brands are now offering certified organic lines and major retailers are looking for organic products to place on shelf. Dr. Monk states that resources and skills of professional retailers in the organic market will be valuable and should among other things “allow medium and larger sized organic producers more volume and certainty in demand.” He continues that an increasing uptake of certified organic by retailers is also allowing more consumers to access organic items than ever before.


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