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Spain: Almost 80,000 hectares of GM maize grown

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Last year, almost 80,000 hectares of GM maize were grown in Spain, various environmental organizations like COAG, Colectivos de Acción Solidaria (CAS), Ecologistas en Acción, Entrepueblos, Greenpeace and Plataforma Rural have announced on the occasion of the World Day of Transgenics. "The situation in Spain is getting more and more unsustainable, and civil society as a whole calls for urgent changes. While several EU countries prohibit the cultivation of GMOs because of the dangers, the Spanish government still allows them,” was said in a statement.

According to environmentalists, Aragon is the Spanish region with most GM crops. From a total of 79,269 hectares of commercial cultivation in 2008, 21,857 were planted in this region. Therefore, during the month of April, many collective mobilizations throughout the country take place - protests and information activities in the streets, in supermarkets, and on experimental agricultural fields, Ecoticias reports. Conferences and lectures, film, debates and meetings with stakeholders are also scheduled.


Genetic Engineering

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