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Organic Products in Australia

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Demand for organic foods continues to grow despite the world economic crisis, according to the United Nations Trade and Development Agency (UNCTAD).  Also benefiting from this seemingly anomalous hard-times swing to organic are Australian organic producers who are recording record sales in many markets, especially meat and dairy produce. Australian Certified Organic meat wholesaler Cleavers The Organic Meat Company has just recorded its highest ever sales season for organic lamb, according to BFA. Lamb wholesalers have reported a sales jump of more than 20 % over the past two months. Similarly, Alister Ferguson, National Sales Manager for the Australian Organic Meat Company, says that Australian consumers are staying loyal to organic beef, and that the company is still seeing good, steady growth in orders. “In fact, the outlook for organic beef is rosy, the domestic retail market has grown by about 40 % in the past four months and a lower dollar has strengthened export opportunities.” (Picture: Lake Wivenhoe, Queensland)

While organic meat processors are delighted with the trend they were also surprised. Typically consumers switch to white meat over the holiday period. One explanation for increased beef sales could be that consumers had become used to eating out at top-end restaurants. Organic is now attracting a much wider demographic than previously and this in turn puts on the pressure for more farmers to start supplying organic. Organic dairy producers in North Queensland have sold record levels of organic dairy products in past months, a result they put down in part to increased product availability and increasing public awareness of organic dairy quality and taste.  The jury is still out on organic fruit and vegetables. This is one area of the marketplace where there is still shopper resistance to organic produce if there is a perceived excessive price difference between organic and conventional products. Bigger producers report that stock is still moving well, but to compete successfully in a tightening market, produce will have to be high quality.



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