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Documentary exposes link between intensive pig rearing and MRSA

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

A documentary commissioned by the Soil Association in conjunction with Compassion in World Farming has been released to expose the rise of a new strain of MRSA in pigs and its link to the overuse of antibiotics on intensive farms. 'Sick as a pig' was filmed in the Netherlands, one of the countries most seriously affected by this farm-animal MRSA. It finds that 40 % of Dutch pigs and up to 50 % of Dutch pig farmers are now carrying the new strain, which is also spreading to the wider population. Although this type of MRSA was first detected in humans in the Netherlands as recently as 2003, it now causes almost one in three cases of MRSA treated in Dutch hospitals. 'Sick as a pig' can be viewed online at and

Several countries have already published the results of their tests revealing significant levels of MRSA in national pig herds, according to the Soil Association. The European Food Safety Authority has said that it seemed likely that MRSA ST398 was widespread in the food animal population, most likely in all Member States with intensive animal production. Dutch scientists and government officials blame the widespread use of antibiotics in intensive pig farming for the rise and rapid spread of farm-animal MRSA. The Soil Association has calculated that about 64 % of all farm antibiotic use in the UK is in pig production. Organic standards prohibit the routine use of antibiotics.

John Callaghan, director of programmes at Compassion in World Farming said that cheap pork has horrible implications for the welfare of animals and for human health. We should eat less, but better meat coming from animals that lived a happy and healthy life.



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