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Greenfest in Brisbane/Australia

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Greenfest is taking place in Brisbane Botanic Gardens from June 5 to June 7, 2009. It is Australia’s largest free green festival and a place for fresh energy. The Green Economy Hub has just been announced, a place where innovation and investment connect. It provides a marketplace for grassroot inventors and innovators to promote new ideas and inventions to media, the community and investors. 50 music acts have already confirmed their appearance, as well as 50 speakers.
150 exhibitors will be present like Animal Liberation Queensland, Australian Conservation Foundation, Australian Ethical, Etico Fair Trade and Australian Certified Organic as a major sponsor. The Green Motor Show will feature electric cars. The Heart of Gold International Film Festival and Byron Bay Film Festival will bring exceptional film experiences for two nights of films under the stars. Entry is free to all areas. Greenfest is part of the UNEP Climate Neutral Network, a recognized Art for the Environment event and has joined the Billion Tree Campaign. (Picture: New Botanical Garden in Brisbane)



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