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Belgium: Products contaminated with GMOs

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Test-Achats, a Belgian consumer association, revealed that as many as 22 products of the 113 tested showed traces of GMOs below the threshold of 0.9%. The test, part of a study on the quality and wholesomeness of food products in Belgium, found traces of GMOs in ingredients such as corn and soybeans in the contaminated products, reports Greenplanet. The percentage found in twelve products is below the threshold permitted by the new European regulation, and without any obligation to be mentioned because its presence being considered being "accidental." Seven other products that were tested positive revealed the presence of GMOs authorized by the EU, in addition to two organic products containing non-authorised GMOs, and one non-organic product contained more than 0.9%, but this was not mention on the label.

Since June 2008, Wallonia has restrictive regulations for GMOs. They provide for heavy fines, the possibility of eradication and the establishment of GMO-free zones to avoid any dispersion. In addition, the administration has recommended 'quality', organic and traditional " agriculture, whatever the national or European rules say, and the regional government has accused the EU Commission to be "ultra-liberal" on these issues.


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