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USA: Some enterprises still see growth

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Not all companies in the USA are suffering from the credit crunch. Kristina's Natural Ranch market has increased its produce sales by 15%, according to the store owner Jim Belcher. Several suppliers delivering organic produce directly to consumers are experiencing the same. Abundant Harvest Organics’ Vernon Peterson says his company has seen steady growth, by 1% to 2% a week at times, with supplying weekly boxes of organic produce to almost 1,600 customers. T&D Willey Farms in Madera is holding their customer base of 850 steady. Tom Willey thinks that once people are convinced that organic food is very important to their well being and therefore hey will eliminate other things than good quality food. Buyers of organic produce also see the boxes of fruits and vegetables as a value since they are using them to prepare more meals at home and are not going to the supermarket as much to buy prepared food.

Some high-end restaurants have slowed their purchases of organic produce, however. Mr and Mrs Pasquale, who grow vegetables on Il Giardino Organico say they have seen a drop of about 10 % in their restaurant business, according to TMC. The Pasquales also sell at farmers markets and say that their regular customers continue to buy their produce, like arugula, chicory and heirloom, there.

Sales of organic food and beverages are expected to reach more than $ 23 billion this year, an increase of 18%, according to the Organic Trade Association. Ms Haumann, spokeswoman of OTA, says that some organic food makers are reporting healthy sales increases, including Hain-Celestial and Nature's Path, but a clearer picture will emerge in February when the Organic Trade Association completes its annual manufacturers’ survey.



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