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USA: CCOF celebrates a year of growth

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

CCOF, one of the largest and oldest organic certification agencies in the USA, is celebrating another year of growth. In 2008, the number of operations certified by CCOF surpassed the 2,000 mark as the organization grew by 11 %, certifying an additional 199 operations. CCOF now certifies farmers, processors, handlers, retailers and private labellers in 35 states and four countries. The growth in organic acreage at 14.3 %, up from almost 500,000 acres (200,000 hectares) in 2007 to 558,137 acres (226,000 hectares) in 2008.

Another interesting trend is in the number of small to medium sized growers who are expanding their operations to include post-harvest activities, such as storage, packaging and handling, which add greater value to their organic production. Over 30 % of CCOF members are now involved in some form of handling of produce – resulting in an increase in the grower/handler category of certification by 33.8%.

In crops, one substantial growth area in 2008 was the certified acreage of berries, up 25 % from 2007. There was also substantial growth in the certified acreage of fruit and vegetables, especially for organic carrots, sweet potatoes, garlic and peas. Total certified organic vegetable acreage increased by 46 %. Total certified organic fruit acreage has also increased, with nectarines leading the way by 43 %. This growth is a consequence of more land coming out of transition into certified organic status. CCOF also saw continued growth in organic wine and tea production in 2008. CCOF now certifies 45 wine producing operations, up from just 28 a year ago (61 %). The number of certified tea producers, including herbal tea processors, increased by 44 %.



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