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UK: Cut of plastic bags successful

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's and Waitrose are progressing with cutting the number of free bags handed out to shoppers, reports the Independent. In February last year, six trade associations and 22 leading shops agreed to cut the use of plastic bags by 25 % by the end of this year, reports The Independent. The initiative was agreed with the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the public-funded anti-waste organisation Wrap.Supermarkets have put up signs urging the use of "bags for life". Reporting their progress this week, the stores said they had succeeded in reducing the number of bags and would go beyond their original pledge.

Asda said it had cut  30 % cut so far. Cashiers had been told to discuss free bags with shoppers, adding that they were aiming for a 50 % reduction by next Easter. 30 % fewer bags have been given out at Waitrose. Sainsbury's said it had cut free bags by 28 %, while reusable bag sales were up by 200 %. Tesco expected to hand out 50 % fewer bags than 2006 by spring.

Asda told the committee that it had stopped 99 % of operational waste from going to landfill in two of its 353 stores by using all biodegradable waste to generate electricity. Tesco was cutting unnecessary road miles and using some alternatives to lorries. Waitrose is aiming to cut CO2 from deliveries by 15 % from 2005 levels by 2013. All parties agreed action should be taken to cut the amount of clothing going to landfill – in five years, the proportion of textiles in landfill has risen from 5 % to 30 %, which was blamed on low-quality fast fashion.


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