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1.6 billion Euros on Fairtrade products in 2006

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

1.6 billion Euros were spent on Fairtrade certified products in 2006, reports the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO). This was an increase of 41 % on the previous year, of which 1.4 million producers and workers worldwide could profit. Many products categories showed very clear growth figures, but increases were most visible for cocoa (93 %), coffee (53 %), tea (41 %) and bananas (31 %). The demand for Fairtrade cotton was doubled in just one year. The number of Fairtrade licensees increased from 1,514 to 1,954.


Sales grew by 46 % in Great Britain in 2006. The Fairtrade Foundation hosted the first ever European Fairtrade Towns conference in the country. Over 270 towns in the UK have received Fairtrade status. Sainsbury’s, for example, converted its entire banana range to 100 % Fairtrade. Marks & Spencer, converted its entire tea and coffee range. 


In Ireland, sales of Fairtrade certified goods grew by 75 %. The Insomnia Coffee Company announced that all coffee from outlets across the country would also be exclusively Fairtrade certified.


In Sweden, the Fairtrade sales volume increased by 63 %. Systembolaget launched Fairtrade juice, sugar and wine. Scandic and Hilton, a major hotel chain in Sweden, had also announced that all its coffee would be switched to Fairtrade. A new coffee chain concept was also launched at Barista Fair Trade Coffee.


Fairtrade certified bananas continued to lead the market in Switzerland (55 % of the market share for bananas in the country). Sales of cotton products grew by 73 %.



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