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Wessanen transferred into private ownership

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Wessanen becomes an owner-managed company. © Wessanen

Wessanen was withdrawn from the stock market and is now in private ownership. US-American Charles Jobson acquired the company, reports Wessanen. Among many other European organic producers, Allos Hof-Manufaktur, Clipper, Tartex and Bonneterre belong to Wessanen.

As a shareholder, Charles Jobson has been contributing to the success of Wessanen. According to the press release by Wessanen, he was instrumental in driving forward the decisions in favour of a more sustainable corporate management. In recent years, Wessanen has focused on strengthening its profile as a leading supplier of high-quality organic food. In addition to Allos (since 2001), many other European organic producers belong to Wessanen, such as Tartex (2001) and Cupper (2014)

Management remains unchanged

The international management team of Wessanen around CEO Chrisophe Barnouin, which also includes Allos CEO Eike Mehlhop, will remain unchanged after the takeover. Mehlhop will stand by Barnouin and Jobson in their transformation of Wessanen into an owner-managed company. This is also supported by Ralf Hoppe, Sales Manager at Allos. Mehlhop supports the takeover, stating that with Jobson they have a partner of many years at their side, who shares their vision.

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