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Study reveals organic consumers maintain a healthier lifestyle

by Kai Kreuzer (comments: 0)

A consumer survey on behalf of the Dutch wholefood retail chain EkoPlaza revealed surprising results and evidence that organic customers live healthier lives than the average population. EkoPlaza customers feel much healthier than the average person: 41 % feel very well to excellent, whereas only 22 % of the total population share this assessment. More than a third state that they have improved their health compared with the previous year (in the total population: 14 %). In the case of the so-called body mass index too, that relates a person’s weight to height, EkoPlaza customers fare better – on average a BMI of 23.3 compared with 25.5 in the Dutch population as a whole.

Picture: Organic customers feel healthy and energetic and engage more in sport. These are the results of a study for which over 4,000 consumers were surveyed. Photo Kai Kreuzer

4,166 people took part in the EkoPlaza consumer study. Around 16,000 customers who receive the EkoPlaza Newsletter were approached, and the company also encouraged participation via flyers in its stores. The survey was carried out in February 2013 by the University of Tilburg. Participants were entered for a prize draw, with the winners receiving 25 gift sets. The information provided by the organic customers was compared with a survey of 5,072 interviewees that was carried out the year before (LISS-Panels by CentERdata). The author of the study was Jona Leenheer, assisted by Constant Pieters, Millie Elsen and Joris Mulder.

Picture: Via Newsletter and flyer, EkoPlaza encouraged its customers to take part in the study.  4,166 customers were involved in the survey.

Organic customers are comparatively healthier

The results of this comparison speak for themselves. Organic consumers are not so likely to be overweight, which is a not insignificant indicator. Only 26 % of EkoPlaza customers are either overweight or obese, whereas the figure for the population as a whole is 49 %. The study also enquired about heart and circulatory diseases, angina pectoris and respiratory rhythm problems. Here too the figures are lower by a half. In the case of high blood pressure (hypertension), the number of sufferers is 6 % compared with 16 % in the population in general. The same applies to cholesterol, with only half the people surveyed displaying a high level compared with what is usually found (5 % instead of 10 %).

Picture: EkoPlaza offers a wide selection of organic fresh food.

Moreover, the percentage of customers who suffer regularly from coughing, constipation and colds is significantly lower (13 %) than in the country as a whole (19 %). The study group are hospitalized less frequently (7 %) than the average (10 %). A major difference is also the approach to alternative medicine, that includes complementary medical practitioners, homeopaths and acupuncture specialists. 42 % of EkoPlaza customers visited an alternative medical practitioner in the year before the survey, whereas the equivalent figure for the population as a whole was only 8 %. In the previous twelve months, over half (55 %) did not see a specialist doctor, a proportion that does not differ significantly from that in the general population.


Picture: Organic customers are especially health-conscious compared with consumers in general.

Organic customers know a lot about healthy eating

The people taking part in the survey often knew more than average about healthy eating, and they are far less likely to be smokers. More than two-thirds of organic customers eat vegetables (70 %) and fruit (68 %) every day, whereas this frequency is found in only about half the general population (vegetables 32 %; fruit 38 %). The exact opposite applies to meat. While 90 % of the Dutch eat meat several times a week, the figure for the surveyed organic customers is less than half (45 %). Approximately 3 % don’t eat any products of animal origin and practice a vegan lifestyle. The proportion of EkoPlaza customers who smoke is 6 % - only a third of the number of smokers in the population as a whole (20 %).

Picture: EkoPlaza customers consume an above-average amount of fruit and vegetables and a small amount of meat.

No difference in the socio-demographic composition

More than two-thirds of EkoPlaza customers (69 %) regularly play sport – a good four hours a week – whereas in the population as a whole this applies to only 53 %. Closer examination reveals that organic customers are less interested than most people in ball and racket and prefer walking, cycling and exercising to music. Their numbers are average in the case of swimming, gymnastics and inline skating.
The authors of the study point out that the socio-demographic composition of EkoPlaza’s customers is in no way different from that of the general population. Regarding gender, age and educational level, the picture was identical. So it can be deduced that EkoPlaza customers are in many respects healthier. The authors are full of praise: EkoPlaza has created a healthy customer base.

The study can be accessed on the internet . Data has been rounded up or down.

All photos by Kai Kreuzer


Consumer Behaviour



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