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Market introduction: more new products are organic

by Leo Frühschütz (comments: 0)

Products with Organic Label
The organic share of newly introduced products is EU-wide at 17 percent. symbol picture © AdobeStock/Henry Schmitt

Every fifth new food product or beverage introduced to the German market is organic. Particularly the share of organic products that are additionally marked as ethically produced or free from certain ingredients increased.

This data was collected by the international market research institute Mintel. It shows Germany and France as leading innovators for organic food and beverages in Europe – and Europe as a global pioneer for organic products worldwide. The EU-wide share of organic products in newly introduced products was 17% and is thus far above the overall market share of organic food in the EU.

Mintel analysist Katya Witham’s explanation for this is that organic products are already established in the most important distribution channels and continue increase in importance for customers there, the organic sector additionally still has plenty of innovation opportunities in various categories. This applies in particular to categories in which organic certification have so far played a subordinate role, such as wine.

Vegan, fair or ‘free of’ in addition

Of the newly introduced organic products, over 40 percent come with an additional claim, such as vegan, fair or ‘free of’. According to Katya Witham, this is due to organic increasingly becoming part of a broader health and ethical positioning. With veganism and plant-based nutrition clearly in vogue at the moment, it seems to be obvious for manufacturers to combine these two trends with organic production. Animal welfare and packaging are other aspects that Katya Witham expects to increase in importance in the future.

Katya Witham concludes that with the increase of ethical consumption, especially among younger consumers, organic producers must be prepared to engage in dialogue with this consumer group, adhere to the basic principles of organic ethics and to actually deliver on their brand promises.

Statements by Katya Witham translated from German.

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